Many homeowners are becoming more conscious of their carbon footprint and looking for greener ways to improve their household. 

Energy efficient light bulbs and smart meters have become standard in almost every home in recent years and there is also a big increase in the amount of solar panels on roofs and garden irrigation systems in use. However, there is another way to live in an eco-friendly house. In fact, most people are literally flushing the most obvious idea down the drain! 
Water Recycling System 
Recently our plans came to fruition for a family bathroom, complete with a water recycling system. 
In the United Kingdom around one third of household water is used for flushing the toilet and more than often, this is an absolute waste. In response, our plans consisted of a bathroom containing a wash hand basin on the left, with ample standing room and a toilet on the right. Once used, the water from the sink goes down the plughole and through a filter process to kill all microorganisms, so it can be pumped directly back into the toilet cistern behind the WC - used with each flush. 
According to the National Trust, the average person in the UK uses 150 litres of water per day and the average household flushes approximately 71 litres of it down the toilet. 
This water recycling solution is such a simple but incredibly effective innovation. Just think how much water the whole of the UK could save if these systems were mandatory. 
There are many other ways families can work towards saving water such as a garden irrigation system and swapping baths for showers but, if all new homes were fitted with recycling cisterns, we could save an average of 26,000 litres of water, per household, every year. 
For advice and information on how to incorporate these ideas into your construction plans, please call us on 01482 778050 or email
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